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BJ향이+ㅁ+ / SOOP Korea stats past 30 days

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BJ향이+ㅁ+ stats for the last 30 days

Data source: Streams Charts StreamsCharts.com
Hours Watched
Peak Viewers
Average Viewers
Followers Gain
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BJ향이+ㅁ+ growth by week

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  • What is BJ향이+ㅁ+ real name?

    BJ향이+ㅁ+ real name is .

  • BJ향이+ㅁ+ SOOP Korea Stats

    In the last 30 days, BJ향이+ㅁ+ has streamed for 718h 30m with a peak of 8 667 viewers and an average of 8 637 viewers.

  • What is BJ향이+ㅁ+'s highest viewer count on SOOP Korea?

    BJ향이+ㅁ+'s all time SOOP Korea viewer record is 10 718 Peak Viewers (Jun 15, 2022).

  • How old is BJ향이+ㅁ+?

    Currently, we don't have information about BJ향이+ㅁ+ age.

  • When is BJ향이+ㅁ+'s birthday?

    Currently, we don't have information about BJ향이+ㅁ+ birth date.

  • Where does BJ향이+ㅁ+ live?

    BJ향이+ㅁ+ currently lives in South Korea.

  • What time does BJ향이+ㅁ+ stream?

    Currently, we don't have information about BJ향이+ㅁ+ stream schedule.

  • What does BJ향이+ㅁ+ stream on SOOP Korea?

    BJ향이+ㅁ+ usually streams Social, StarCraft, PUBG: Battlegrounds.

  • How many people watch BJ향이+ㅁ+ on SOOP Korea?

    BJ향이+ㅁ+ has been watched on SOOP Korea by 8 637 Average Viewers, which have generated 6 205 090 Hours Watched in the last 30 days.

  • How many hours does BJ향이+ㅁ+ stream on SOOP Korea?

    In the last 30 days, BJ향이+ㅁ+ streamed for 718h 30m on SOOP Korea (23h 57m /day).

  • How many viewers does BJ향이+ㅁ+ average on SOOP Korea?

    BJ향이+ㅁ+ streamed for an average of 8 637 viewers on SOOP Korea in the last 30 days.

  • What setup does BJ향이+ㅁ+ use?

    We have no information on the BJ향이+ㅁ+ setup.

  • What gears does BJ향이+ㅁ+ use?

    We have no information on the BJ향이+ㅁ+ gears.

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Language: Korean
Real name:
Gender: Female
Channel creation date:
Country (citizen of): South Korea South Korea
City of residence:

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BJ향이+ㅁ+ SOOP Korea rankings

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