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nathankb_ stats for the last 30 days
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14 years and 7 months ago |
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What is nathankb_ real name?
Currently, we don't have information about nathankb_ real name.
nathankb_ Twitch Stats
In the last 30 days, nathankb_ has streamed for 13h 25m with a peak of 139 viewers and an average of 52 viewers.
nathankb_ status on Twitch
nathankb_ is a Twitch Partner
nathankb_ bans
nathankb_ wasn't banned on Twitch.
How many Twitch followers does nathankb_ have?
nathankb_ Twitch followers count is 58 907 followers with -219 new followers in the last 30 days.
How old is nathankb_?
Currently, we don't have information about nathankb_ age.
When is nathankb_'s birthday?
Currently, we don't have information about nathankb_ birth date.
Where does nathankb_ live?
nathankb_ currently lives in USA.
What time does nathankb_ stream?
nathankb_ stream schedule is:
17:40 – 19:30
~ 1h 52m
- Tuesday: No data
- Wednesday: No data
- Thursday: No data
- Friday: No data
- Saturday: No data
- Sunday: No data
17:40 – 19:30
What does nathankb_ stream on Twitch?
nathankb_ wasn't streaming last 30 days.
How many people watch nathankb_ on Twitch?
nathankb_ has been watched on Twitch by 52 Average Viewers, which have generated 694 Hours Watched in the last 30 days.
How many hours does nathankb_ stream on Twitch?
In the last 30 days, nathankb_ streamed for 13h 25m on Twitch (2h 41m /day).
How many views does nathankb_ get on Twitch?
For the last 30 days, nathankb_ get 4 343 Live Views on Twitch.
How many viewers does nathankb_ average on Twitch?
nathankb_ streamed for an average of 52 viewers on Twitch in the last 30 days.
What setup does nathankb_ use?
We have no information on the nathankb_ setup.
What gears does nathankb_ use?
We have no information on the nathankb_ gears.
Lifetime data
Peak Viewers:0
Average Viewers:0
Active Days:0