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Quackity / Twitch stats past 30 days
Quackity stats for the last 30 days
Quackity last streams
Days of the week analysis

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Channel Records
3 years and 4 months ago |
396 504
3 years and 6 months ago |
4 000 000
3 years and 10 months ago |
378 402
4 years ago |
358 241
4 years ago |
319 444
11 years and 6 months ago |
Quackity growth by week

Quackity Twitch emotes
Popular Quackity clips
What is Quackity real name?
Quackity real name is Alexis Quackity.
Quackity Twitch Stats
In the last 30 days, Quackity has streamed for 1h with a peak of 27 614 viewers and an average of 18 845 viewers.
What is Quackity's highest viewer count on Twitch?
Quackity's all time Twitch viewer record is 396 504 Peak Viewers (Nov 27, 2021).
Quackity status on Twitch
Quackity is a Twitch Partner
What rank is Quackity on Twitch?
Quackity ranked #2424 on Twitch in 2025 so far.
Quackity bans
Quackity wasn't banned on Twitch.
How much does Quackity make on Twitch?
Currently, we don't have information about Quackity net worth and Twitch earnings.
How many Twitch followers does Quackity have?
Quackity Twitch followers count is 6 432 697 followers with 1 212 new followers in the last 30 days.
How old is Quackity?
Quackity age is 24.
When is Quackity's birthday?
Quackity was born on .
Where does Quackity live?
Quackity currently lives in Mexico.
What time does Quackity stream?
Quackity stream schedule is:
- Monday: No data
- Tuesday: No data
- Wednesday: No data
- Thursday: No data
- Friday: No data
- Saturday: No data
- Sunday: No data
What does Quackity stream on Twitch?
Quackity usually streams Just Chatting.
How many people watch Quackity on Twitch?
Quackity has been watched on Twitch by 18 845 Average Viewers, which have generated 18 846 Hours Watched in the last 30 days.
How many hours does Quackity stream on Twitch?
In the last 30 days, Quackity streamed for 1h on Twitch (1h /day).
How many views does Quackity get on Twitch?
For the last 30 days, Quackity get 397 803 Live Views on Twitch.
How many viewers does Quackity average on Twitch?
Quackity streamed for an average of 18 845 viewers on Twitch in the last 30 days.
What setup does Quackity use?
Quackity uses a custom built PC which includes a ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 TI, Intel Core i9-10900K, Gigabyte Z390 AORUS ELITE, Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB, EVGA Super Nova 850 G5.
What gears does Quackity use?
Quackity gears include Rode PodMic, BENQ XL2546 DIVINA BLUE EDITION, Logitech Wireless G930, Logitech G Pro Wireless.
Quackity Graphic card
ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 TI
Quackity CPU
Intel Core i9-10900K
Quackity Motherboard
Gigabyte Z390 AORUS ELITE
Quackity RAM
Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB
Quackity Power Supply
EVGA Super Nova 850 G5
Quackity Microphone
Rode PodMic
Quackity Monitor
Quackity Headset
Logitech Wireless G930
Quackity Mouse
Logitech G Pro Wireless
Lifetime data
Peak Viewers:0
Average Viewers:0
Active Days:0