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Iarfhlaith Dempsey
Iarfhlaith Dempsey
14 min read

Most Popular Hispanic Streamers of Q2 2023

Most Popular Hispanic Streamers of Q2 2023

Digging through a mountain of Q2 data, Streams Charts has collected a list of the top Hispanic streamers for the second quarter of 2023. The Spanish-speaking streamers who made the cut represent all sorts of content and streaming philosophies, from gaming to politics. Spanish is one of the most-spoken languages worldwide, and this community is ever-growing and evolving in the live-streaming sphere.

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Most Watched Hispanic streamers in Q2 2023

Jumping into the top of our rankings, ibai remains the king of Hispanic Twitch and live-streaming. The Spaniard is variety streamer who covers many different types of content, but his Special Events remain his crown jewel. His popular boxing event La Velada del Año is his most popular event, featuring content creators from around the Spanish-speaking world coming together for a night of pugilism. Although this year’s edition took place on the 1st of July, and therefore falls outside of Q2, the streams building up to the major event helped ibai consolidate his top ranking, with the streamer amassing 21.41M Hours Watched during the quarter.

IlloJuan took the best-of-the-rest spot, ranking second overall. Another Spaniard, the 29-year-old focuses more heavily on the gaming side of Twitch. He collected 16.23M Hours Watched during Q2, with his most successful streams of the quarter being his Rust content. IlloJuan benefited from having Twitch Drops enabled during his Rust streams, which give a large boost to viewership, but also took part in the Bellum event. Bellum is a streaming event for Rust featuring many different Spanish-speaking creators, and these collaborative events are what separate the top ten streamers from hugely popular creators. 

A change of pace, in third is Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the 65th President of Mexico. Although it feels disingenuous to call the President of a nation a YouTuber, partly because the account is run by his presidential team and is not a personal channel, he is the highest-ranking YouTube-based channel on this list. Surprisingly, his channel is more active than some other streamers in this ranking, and the President goes live on YouTube to keep his people up to date on the official happenings within the country and his government. Considering his 13.74M Hours Watched for the quarter, his people are definitely listening. 

Auronplay takes fourth place with 11.22M Hours Watched, the Iberian streamer is another gaming variety streamer who plays a large assortment of games and is the most-followed channel on this ranking, with 15.32M Followers on Twitch. Throughout Q2, his most popular games remained Rust and Grand Theft Auto V. Ranking fourth is no small feat, but auronplay will likely be disappointed as he ranked second in our Q1 rankings of Hispanic streamers for 2023. His channel has experienced a downturn in momentum this quarter, receiving 6M fewer Hours Watched compared to Q1, despite considerably more Airtime. 

Another Iberian streamer with fewer Hours Watched compared to Q1 comes up next. Rubius takes fifth with 8.63M Hours Watched. Despite his downturn in watch time compared to Q1, the Spaniard moved up two spots on the ranking. The streamer covered a variety of content throughout the quarter, but Rust and Diablo IV, with Twitch Drops enabled, were some of his most recent and most popular content of the quarter.

ElMariana followed behind Rubius on the rankings. The Mexican streamer is the first professional streamer outside of Spain to feature on this ranking and is also one of the newer additions to the list. He started streaming only two years ago and he is the fastest-growing male streamer on Twitch at the moment, jumping up to sixth from eighth last quarter. The Mexican’s most watched content came at the very end of the quarter, during the La Casa Madrid streams where various Spanish-speaking creators spent time hanging out together and streaming IRL content. 

Fellow Mexican compatriot Padre Jose Arturo Lopez Cornejo is up next, ranking seventh on the list with just over 8M Hours Watched for the quarter. A surprising addition, the Padre streams his masses and religious content under the Education category on YouTube. Both YouTube creators on this list feature content that is not typical for the live-streaming sphere, but their popularity and loyal viewers prove that there is always room in the live-streaming industry for new types of content.

Returning to gaming content, ElSpreen earned a spot on the ranking with 7.21M Hours Watched in Q2. The Argentinian streamer enjoyed viewership boosts thanks to Twitch Drops-enabled Rust content and taking part in the La Casa Madrid streams alongside ElMariana. Despite his channel metrics looking healthy for this quarter, the streamer actually drops down from third place in the previous quarter, which was abnormally successful for him. Despite almost equalling his Airtime of the previous quarter, the Argentine collected less than half of the watch time he accumulated during Q1. 

The penultimate spot goes to elxokas, another Spanish streamer. The creator covered a variety of content, including Rust with Drops enabled, League of Legends, and the ever-popular Diablo IV. With 3.44M Followers on Twitch, the streamer is the second smallest creator on this ranking according to his following.

Last but not least, the smallest streamer on the ranking with only 1.9M Twitch Followers, Roier from Mexico. The young 21-year-old makes his debut appearance in one of these rankings, unsurprisingly as the streamer is only recently exploding in popularity. The Minecraft streamer gained huge popularity playing on the QSMP Minecraft server, the first-ever multilingual server with built-in live translation. The server, created by internet personality Quackity, allows streamers from all over the world to play and communicate flawlessly with each other, making for great collaborative content.

That’s the end of the most-watched rankings for Q2 of 2023, but let’s take a look at some honourable mentions. Nexxuz World reached 6.2M Hours Watched on his YouTube Gaming Channel during Q2. The Spanish streamer is known for his variety gameplay, mainly featuring Grand Theft Auto V and ARK Survival Evolved. Behind him was gerardromero of Twitch. Also a Spanish streamer, he accumulated 5.5M Hours Watched in Q2 exclusively streaming football content, including King’s League matches. These two would have made the list, if not for the two YouTube anomalies. 

Moving our attention from Hours Watched to Peak Viewers, we see a lot of familiar faces in the ranking. Spanish football streamer DjMaRiiO managed to dethrone ibai in the Peak Viewers rankings for Q2 2023. The football enthusiast organises a yearly event called Partidazo de Youtubers, where streamers, youtubers, and influencers all play a fully organised game of football. The event saw DjMaRiiO create a team to play against a team ran by TheGrefg, a Spanish YouTuber with 11.45M Followers on Twitch. The event is always popular and the fourth iteration which took place in June of this year reached 1.09M Peak Viewers.

Unusually in second place, ibai’s streams building up to his major boxing event were some of the most popular content of the quarter, achieving 595K Peak Viewers for the weigh-in of the event. The main event itself naturally garnered much more viewership, but as this took place on the 1st of July it does not feature in our Q2 article.

Streamer WestCOL not only took the third spot on the ranking but also achieved 84K Peak Viewers on his Kick account, enough to earn him another spot in the ranking. The Colombian streamer reached a Peak Viewers of 147K on Twitch when he had famous Spanish-speaking rapper Arcángel on the stream. A month after this stream was the most recent stream on his Twitch account before he began focusing on streaming on Kick. During Q2 he became the fourth-most-watched streamer on the platform per watch time, and the most popular Spanish-speaking creator on the platform.

The two other streamers not seen before in this article are Twitch streamer juansguarnizo and fellow Twitch streamer Spursito. Juansguarnizo, a Colombian streamer, reached 81K Peak Viewers announcing his Juaniquilacopa series, assisted by a raid from ibai containing almost 30K viewers. Spursito, an Andorran streamer, is also the Chairperson of the Rayo de Barcelona King’s League club. He reached 79.3K concurrent viewers announcing the signings of the club, alongside fellow streamers including ibai.

Most Watched Hispanic Female streamers in Q2 2023

Most watched Hispanic female streamers of Q2 2023, per Hours Watched

If ibai is the undisputed king of Hispanic Twitch, rivers_gg is the queen. She is by far the most watched female streamer and with 4.4M Hours Watched accumulated throughout Q2, this puts her figures at over double the amount of her closest rival. The Mexican streamer exploded in popularity after creating her Twitch channel under two years ago. Throughout Q2 she mainly streamed IRL and Just Chatting content, but also played a variety of games and streamed some football content. She’s also well known for being the Chairperson of the PIO FC in both the King’s and Queen’s League.

In second place just shy of 2M Hours Watched is Nissaxter. The Spanish streamer from Barcelona focuses largely on League of Legends content and has built up a solid following of 733K fans on Twitch. Her most watched content of the quarter was a twenty four hour stream which received 123K hours of watch time alone.

In third and sixth place are IJenz and AkuASMR, respectively. The two streamers are both ASMR content creators and despite their low viewership compared to the other streamers on this list, they achieved a high ranking with a huge amount of Airtime. The two of them had 1978 hours live throughout the quarter, meaning they were live for over 90% of the entire second quarter.

Sandwiched between the two ASMR creators are Mexican Twitch streamers vickypalami and CrystalMolly. Vickypalami is a variety and outdoors streamer, who previously was a streamer signed to Complexity Gaming for Apex Legends. She reached 1.47M Hours Watched throughout the quarter, just enough to put her ahead of CrystalMolly with 1.22M Hours Watched. CrystalMolly is another IRL and gaming variety streamer, who achieved her watch time with the help of her popular Rust streams in the Bellum event.

Next up is Staryuuki, an American Spanish-speaking streamer with 1.08M Hours Watched for the quarter. She also received a viewership boost through her Bellum Rust streams with Twitch Drops enabled, but is mainly a Just Chatting streamer. She is most well-known for her TikTok account, where she has almost 12M Followers on the platform. 

Finishing up the bottom three places are biyin_, Mictia00, and IamCristinini. The streamers from Spain, except for Mictia00 from Panama, are known for their mixture of variety gaming and Just Chatting content. Although none of them managed to break the 1M Hours Watched milestone, they achieved 985K, 765K, and 686K Hours Watched, respectively. 

Most popular Hispanic female streamers of Q2 2023, per Peak ViewersTurning towards Peak Viewers, rivers_gg maintains her position as the most popular Hispanic female streamer. She achieved 88K concurrent viewers while watching her team, PIO FC, play against El Barrio in the King’s League. Moving on from the top spot, RoxiCake Gamer follows behind. The Roblox content creator is the sole YouTube-based and Peruvian streamer on the list, and she achieved 30K Peak Viewers during her recent birthday stream.  

Focusing on streamers we haven’t yet mentioned, Espe is a Spanish streamer who reached 23K Peak Viewers while costreaming a Queen’s League match, the King’s League’s female counterpart. She streamed a match featuring the Aniquiladoras FC team, for which she is a Chairperson. 

Fellow Spanish streamer noe9977 reached a very similar peak concurrent viewers, also through streaming a Queen’s League match. The match saw Aniquiladoras FC face off against Ultimate Móstoles, for which noe9977 is a Chairperson. 

AriGameplays followed noe9977, the Mexican streamer with 6.44M Twitch Followers tied with noe9977 at 22K Peak Viewers. She reached the peak playing Minecraft, and curiously the large streamer was featured on the most-watched list of female streamers last quarter, but due to lower Airtime in this quarter she was unable to gather enough watch time.

Amablitz, a Mexican Twitch creator, came eighth on the ranking with 18K Peak Viewers. She owes this peak to a collaborative stream with rivers_gg. Finally tied with 14K Peak Viewers are NimuVT and Gemita. NimuVT is an Argentinian independent VTuber who reached 14K whilst finally introducing herself personally to her Twitch audience, although covering her face. Gemita is a Spanish creator who reached the same peak streaming the PIO FC and Porcinas FC, again for which she is a Chairperson, game in Queen’s League.

Spanish-speaking content creators not only make up a large portion of online live-streaming viewership, but are also some of the fastest-growing creators in the industry. Keep an eye on these streamers with Streams Charts data to keep up to date on all the recent happenings and rankings in the industry.


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Juansguarnizo, ibai, auronplay, IamCristinini, Rubius, biyin_, Staryuuki, Gemita, elxokas, ElMariana, arigameplays, IlloJuan, IJenz, Nissaxter, NimuVT, ElSpreen, rivers_gg, gerardromero, vickypalami, WestCOL, Ama Blitz, DjMaRiiO, Roier, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, RoxiCake Gamer, AkuASMR, Spursito, Espe, noe9977, Nexxuz World, CrystalMolly, Mictia00