The first month of 2022 has come to an end, which means it's time to summarize its results. Today, Streams Charts provides January's overview of the top Twitch categories, streamers, and broadcasts of, as well as highlights the most viewed clip of the month.
Most popular categories of January 2022
Just Chatting remains the undisputed leader among Twitch categories. In January 2022, it collected more than 284M Hours Watched, which is 13% more than in December 2021.
League of Legends surpassed GTA V and took the second spot with a result of 183.95M Hours Watched. At the same time, Valorant dropped two spots in January, becoming outmatched not only by LoL, but also by Escape From Tarkov, which continued to increase its audience until the very end of the winter event on January 8th.
Rust and FIFA 22 joined the ranks of the top titles of January, which caused Call of Duty: Warzone and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (both of which suffered from a small number of tournaments) to drop out of the ranking altogether. Note that Rust's Hours Watched indicator has grown by a staggering 863% over the month: from 6.57M to 63.31M hours. This was achieved thanks to the popular Hispanic streamers of the Egoland RP server. In the case of FIFA 22, Hours Watched grew by 53%.
Most popular streamers of January 2022
In January, xQc regained his lead on the platform in terms of Hours Watched. The Canadian streamer spent almost 311 hours on the air and collected 24.13M Hours Watched during this time. Grand Theft Auto V was responsible for more than half of this amount.
TheGrefg, who held the first spot in December, dropped to the sixth spot in the ranking. We should remind you that in the last month of 2021, the streamer was broadcasting non-stop for 30 days in a row. In January 2022, TheGrefg's total Hours Watched dropped by 58% and reached 11M hours.
The second spot in the top was taken by elxokas. January was probably the best month in the Spaniard’s career. Channel’s Hours Watched increased by 800%, and the number of new subscribers exceeded 1M. This was largely due to participation in the Twitch Rivals Squidcraft Games ft. Komanche, which became the most popular championship of the series. On the broadcast of the final day, elxokas gathered 1.2M Peak Viewers, which is a record number for his channel (entering the top 3 among all Twitch streamers) and 453.5K Average Viewers.
Auronplay was one of the organizers of Twitch Rivals Squidcraft Games ft. Komanche. Thanks to the broadcasts of the championship, the streamer managed to significantly improve his performance and claim the third spot in the ranking. In January, Auronplay's watch time increased by 131%, reaching the mark of 12.56M hours. The final day of the aforementioned event brought the streamer a record 602.9K Peak Viewers and 260K Average Viewers.
You can take a look at the results and format of the incredibly popular Twitch Rivals Squidcraft Games ft. Komanche in our article.
Amouranth once again became the leader among girls. Compared to December, her channel’s Hours Watched dropped by 15% to just over 3M hours, the lowest figure since April 2021. Her best categories were ASMR, as well as Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches.
In January, Pokimane spent 41% more time on-air and collected 2.29M Hours Watched (up 72%), which allowed her to get into the top 2 among the female streamers based on this indicator. Her best categories were Just Chatting and Valorant. At the same time, the amount of time spent by Pokimane in the shooter from Riot Games has almost doubled compared to December.
When it comes to the newcomers to the female rankings that showed rapid growth, these would be AriGameplays and Natsumiii. These female streamers broke into the top 10 with 318% and 396% increases in Hours Watched, respectively.
The most popular clip of January 2022
The most popular clip in January, gathering 329K views, was an episode from the broadcast of Pokimane. In it, the girl accused Ninja, one of the platform's most popular streamers, of trying to help Jidion avoid a ban on Twitch for organizing hate raids against Pokimane.
The most popular broadcasts of January 2022
The largest number of Peak Viewers (1.2M) was gathered by the broadcast of the final day of the Twitch Rivals Squidcraft Games ft. Komanche on the elxokas channel (which has already been mentioned above). During the final of the same tournament, Auronplay reached the mark of 602.9K Peak Viewers and took the third spot on Twitch in January.
The broadcast of PREMIOS ESLAND on TheGrefg channel holds the second spot with a figure of over 1M Peak Viewers. This event, organized by the streamer himself, was an awards ceremony for celebrating various achievements of Hispanic content creators.
Holding the fourth spot was the only Russian-language broadcast in the ranking. Over 578K Peak Viewers followed n3koglai as he watched YouTube's most popular video of his "exposure".
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