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Ravi Iyer
Ravi Iyer
5 min read

Ironmouse subathon reaffirms her status as pre-eminent female VTuber and Twitch star

Ironmouse subathon reaffirms her status as pre-eminent female VTuber and Twitch star

Ironmouse recently brought her month-long subathon to a close, and one thing it proved was that she is perhaps the most popular female streamer on Twitch going around today. In fact, Day 26 of her streaming run to raise money for the Immune Deficiency Foundation broke the all-time female subscriber record on Twitch, making it past the 172K active subs mark.

Interestingly, the famous VTuber broke her own record, which was overhauled during another subscriber marathon in 2022. Back then, she reported hitting the 171.8K milestone, all the while doing her utmost to raise as much money as possible for the IDF, a non-profit organization focused on improving the diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life of people affected by primary immunodeficiency.

For those unaware, ironmouse has been suffering from this disorder for years and has openly discussed her struggles and the effort it takes to stream despite being bedridden 24/7. Luckily, she has had lots of support, and another streamer who passionately follows this cause is  CDawgVA, the voice actor and Twitch star who also does a lot for this charity.

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Subs break-up and income generated

Subscriptions stats from ironmouse’s month-long subathon  Subscriptions stats from ironmouse’s month-long subathon   

Ironmouse's contributions from all four tiers are what helped her reach a new record of 205K in her subscriptions number. Not unsurprisingly, the biggest contributor to this chunk was Tier 1, which accrued just over 200K subs over 31 days. While talking about income from these subs can be a bit complex, the Twitch star could have made anywhere between $162K to $516K in total.

For those wondering, the next closest female streamer on Twitch is KKatamina with 73K subscribers in November after running a subathon of her own. In 20 months, the record among women has gone up by around 180.8%, and while the likes of Kai Cenat, Ninja, and Ludwig are safe for now, considering how female VTubers are rising up the ranks, it would not be surprising if they eventually overhauled at least the Fortnite icon’s tally of 269K active subs over the next two odd years.

For those unaware, with the introduction of local sub-pricing on Twitch, content creators’ income from paid subscriptions is not fixed. Twitch partners have variable contract terms, meaning they can get from 50% to 70% for each sub. Hence, Streams Charts has calculated numerous possible scenarios for earnings, with each furnishing a 50/50 contract for tier 1 subs, 60/40 for tier 2, and 70/30 for tier 3. Importantly, local sub-pricing does not affect Prime subs, and streamers receive $2.49 per such sub.

Statistical review of ironmouse’s subathon

Overall numbers and most played games from ironmouse’s month-long broadcasting run  Overall numbers and most played games from ironmouse’s month-long broadcasting run   

In total, ironmouse's subathon recorded 7.01M Hours Watched, 21K Peak Viewers, and 9K Average Viewers, with the total airtime being 708 hours and 25 minutes. The channel gained 56K new followers during this phase, while she streamed 54 different games, with her most popular genre being Just Chatting, taking up 54% of her total broadcast time.

The internet star received 3.03M messages across the 31 days, leading to 84K active chatters. Her chat engagement rate was a reasonable 8.5%, meaning around eight out of every 100 unique viewers tuned into her chat every time she interacted with her audience.

Chat stats from ironmouse’s record-breaking 31-day subathon  Chat stats from ironmouse’s record-breaking 31-day subathon   

The Puerto Rican-American had 4.5K cheer messages and 1.8K cheer chatters. She spent 2.4M Bits and earned $24K from them, adding to the wealth she accumulated over June.

The five most used emotes on her chat were ironmousewiggly (1.7M mentions), ironmouseraid (1.3M), timer (865K), raise (820K), and ironmouseletsgo (813K). Three of these are emotes from ironmouse's own channel that her fans regularly use, while timer referred to the countdown clock being used to check how long was left in the subathon. Raise was in reference to viewers and users asking for extra time to be added to the timer as per the subs' rules for this exercise.

Biggest subathons on Twitch so far as all-time peak active subscriptions  Biggest subathons on Twitch so far as all-time peak active subscriptions   

Ironmouse has once again shown what VTubers can achieve and do as part of the overall streaming space. With the increase in traction for the genre and the popularity that some of its proponents receive, especially those from Japan, there is no doubt that we will be seeing a lot more of these names break and create records on different platforms over the coming months and years.


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ironmouse, CDawgVA, Ninja, ludwig, KaiCenat