To keep track of the latest Twitch trends, Streams Charts continues to provide the quarterly analysis of the platform’s biggest language groups, including the breakdown of top 100 creators within each respective group.
As such, this article reviews the viewership results of Spanish-speaking streamers — the second most prevalent language group on Twitch — during the third quarter of 2021 (July-September). Besides the top streamers chart, we are going to look at the country and gender distribution within the Hispanic group, as well as the most popular categories among its viewers and its audience overlap. Studio and gaming community channels were excluded from these statistics.
Compared to previous quarters, Q3 2021 was a bit calmer viewership-wise, with streamers generally spending less time streaming and audiences spending less time spectating their favourite Twitch broadcasts.
The Top 100 Spanish-speaking Twitch streamers generated 263.4M Hours Watched, which makes 4.57% of total Hours Watched (5.75BN) accumulated on the platform and 43.71% of total HW (602.7M) generated by all Spanish-speaking Twitch streamers in Q3 2021. The English-speaking group has seen similar development in Q3.
Compared to the results of Q2 2021, the number of Hours Watched generated by the Top 100 Spanish-speaking streamers in Q3 decreased by 19.85%, while their total Air Time (39.9K hours) decreased by 6.38%.
Want to analyze streaming data on your own? Streams Charts PRO subscription allow you to sort channels according to a variety of metrics – making it easy to identify opportunities based on activity, reach, and audience watch time. And this can be combined with gender, country, language, game (category), and time period filters.
The distribution of countries shows Spain as the most represented country among the Spanish-speaking streamers, with 64 out of the 100 creators being Spaniards. Argentina is next with 14 representatives, followed by Mexico (11 representatives) and Peru (4 representatives). The Top 100 also includes two Andorrian and two Colombian creators, one from Chile, one from the United States and one from Guatemala.
Accordingly, the Spaniards made the largest contribution of 26K hours of Air Time (65.1%), generating over 179.5M Hours Watched (68.2%).
Mexico is second with 32.9M HW (12.5%), followed by Argentina with 21.1M HW (8%), Colombia with 18.2M HW (6.9%), Peru with 3.9M HW (1.5%) and Andorra with 3.5M HW (1.4%).
As for gender distribution — the majority (88) of content creators within the analysed group of streamers were male, which reflected in the number of Hours Watched brought in by male streamers — 247.1M HW (93.8%) generated during 36K hours of Air Time (90.3%). Compared to Q2, that’s a 21.27% decline in viewership and a 10.28% decline in Air Time.
On the other hand, female Spanish-speaking streamers showed notable growth in comparison with the previous quarter. The number of female streamers in the Top 100 increased from 7 to 12 in Q3 2021, while their Hours Watched contribution increased by 10.08%, accounting for 16.3M HW (6.2%). This is most likely the result of the visibly increased Air Time — girls spent in total 3.8K hours broadcasting, which is 57.96% more than in the previous quarter.
The most popular Spanish-speaking streamers on Twitch in Q3 2021
The Top 10 Spanish-speaking Twitch streamers chart has barely changed since the Q2. with eight names persisting in the Top 10 and the first three spots remaining unchanged.
The chart leader remains Raul “auronplay” Genes, who’s been occupying the first spot during the whole year, as well as showing continuous growth in viewership. In Q3 2021, his viewers spent 33.3M hours watching his streams, which is 12.66% of the total Hours Watched generated by the Top 100. Compared to Q2, auronplay’s Hours Watched count grew by 6.4%, while his Air Time remained practically unchanged.
Ibai “ibai” Llanos is second with 26.4M Hours Watched, which accounts for 10.04% of the total Hours Watched generated by the Top 100. Compared to Q2 2021, Ibai’s HW growth went down by 3.4%, while his Air Time decreased by 24%. Moreover, Ibai also reached the highest viewership peak among the Top 10 — 641.4K concurrent viewers tuned in to his broadcast of the 2021 Copa América Grand Final match between Argentina and Brasil. That makes it ibai’s second most successful Twitch stream to date.
The third place is taken by Juan “juansguarnizo” Algarra, who spent 20% less time streaming in Q3 and generated 16.9M Hours Watched (6.42% of Total Top-100 HW). That’s a 27.28% decrease in HW compared to Q2 2021. The rest of the streamers who earned a spot in the Top 10 of most-watched Spanish-speaking Twitch creators are TheGrefg, Rubius, Jelty, ElMariana, elxokas, IlloJuan and elded.
As for the top female Spanish-speaking streamers, the current leader is biyin_, who generated over 2.6M Hours Watched in Q3 2021 (0.99% of Total Top-100 HW), showing a 181% growth since June while increasing her Air Time by 15%.
Second is IamCristinini — the only female creator that got into the Top 10 in Q2 2021 with a 6.62M HW mark. This time around, IamCristinini decreased her Air Time by 20% and accumulated 2.58M Hours Watched, which is 61% less than in the previous quarter.
LakshartNia is third with 1.85M Hours Watched (0.7% of Total Top-100 HW), followed by NimuVT, Staryuuki, AriGameplays, Mayichi, Nissaxter, aroyitt and IJenz.
The streamers with the highest Air Time count are Kidi (996.9h), SoyPan (838.8h), LuisOrmenoa27 (759.3h), CooLifeGame (713.8h) and sujagg (699.3h).
Most popular categories
The most popular category among the Top 100 Spanish-speaking Twitch creators in Q3 was Minecraft. Broadcasted by 55 streamers from the analysed group, the game accumulated 71.4M Hours Watched (27.12% of Total HW by the Top-100).
Just Chatting was streamed by the highest number of creators — 96 people from the Top 100 streamed in this category at least once between July and September. As the second most-watched category, it generated over 50.7M Hours Watched (19.26% of Total Top-100 HW). The Top 5 categories also included Fortnite (22.6M Hours Watched), Sports (9.8M HW) and Grand Theft Auto V (8.4M HW).
Looking at the gender split of categories by Hours Watched, the first two spots are similar for both genders. However, the data shows that viewers of female creators were more interested in following these categories than audiences of male Spanish-speaking creators.
As the two most popular categories among both genders’ audiences, Minecraft and Just Chatting made 40.33% and 25.75% of the total HW generated by females in the Top 100, respectively, while it made 26.25% and 18.83% of the total HW generated by male streamers.
The viewers of male streamers also preferred Fortnite, Sports and Rust, while the audience of the female streamers had an extra preference for League of Legends, ASMR and DayZ.
Sorted by Air Time — Just Chatting (6.9K hours), Fortnite (4.2K hours) and Minecraft (3K hours) were the most-streamed categories by male streamers, while female creators preferred to broadcast mostly Just Chatting (1K hours), Minecraft (916 hours) and AMSR (588 hours).
When it comes to audience overlap — or what portion of auronplay’s audience also watched other streamers in the group — there’s an overlap with all of the streamers in the Top 10, mainly with IlloJuan (60.76%), juansguarnizo (60.65%) and Rubius (55.79%).
All in all, the overall viewership among the Hispanic segment of Twitch has seen a slight decrease in Q3 2021, not showing growth for the first time this year. This is most likely the result of the decreased amount of Air Time among streamers, as well as the recent summer season, which typically causes reduced viewership, as people around the globe spend less time in front of screens. Based on this assumption, the ongoing Q4 is expected to bring back the growing viewership numbers.
If you’d like to find out more about the current Twitch meta, be sure to check out our analysis of Twitch viewership trends in Q3 2021.
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